Angela Barbour

Joined almost 10 years ago.

Ângela Barbour PhD in Visual Art. Fabricademy Graduated 2017-18 and Global Instructor. CEO of Ellora Atelie, the Fabricademy Node in Sao Paulo Brazil. Founder of MemoFabLab , the first public and free , FabLab in Brazil, and also founder of PORTO FabLab, a FabLab dedicated to arts. Ângela has shown her artwork in more than 15 countries in four continents, and is a researcher and consulter in Contemporary Art and Digital Fabrication.

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Angela Barbour was added as Idealizer and Founder at PortoFabLab
over 4 years ago
Angela Barbour applied to be listed as an employee at PortoFabLab
over 4 years ago
Angela Barbour applied to be listed as an employee at FAB LAB SP
almost 8 years ago
Angela Barbour signed up
almost 10 years ago