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Seoul Innovation Fab Lab
Eunpyeong-gu Tongil-ro 684 Building #19 Maker Meadow 1F, 서울특별시, 03371, Korea (Republic of)
Lab Details
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We have one General Manager and two technical Experts who all have experience of woking in fab labs or mobile fab labs as a manager and technicians. Therefore, we have our own maker connections built.

Our space is 430 meter square and it is located in Seoul Innovation Park which is 99,134 meter square with 200 groups of change makers in art, technology, education, agricultural, publishing and etc. The park once was the centers of the National Disease Control and Prevention since 17th Century, and we are steadily renovating 30 of the old buildings with different functions for citizens, artist, and various people who are interested in social innovation. Maker Park, where Seoul Innovation Fab Lab is in, is also one of the 30 buildings.

One of our advantage is that we co-operate with "Appropriate Technology Lab" and "Wood Park(Wood working Lab)" which are located just next to us.

We provide financial support for project related to local community.

The project that are being funded currently in the year 2016 are medical drone project, building evacuation with MR project, urban agriculture development toolkit project and etc.

Lab Capabilities
  • 3D printen
  • CNC frezen
  • Printplaat productie
  • Laser Snijden/Graveren
  • Precisie frezen
  • Vinyl snijplotter
Hyebin Goo
Lab Manager
Yongwoo Song
Fab Lab Instructor
Craig Hobern
Lab Manager
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