Teodoro Gomez de la Torre de la Fuente, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito, Pichincha, 170601, Ecuador
Lab tags:
StartLabs is a collaborative space as a result of the technological trends that have marked the world in recent years, which is why the Salesian Polytechnic University is committed to the creation of this prototyping and rapid manufacturing center for the creation of high-quality products and services that meet market requirements. This area is articulated with Coworking StartUPS where entrepreneurs carry out previous work with their business models, validation, support to connect with the StartLabs spaces and continue advancing in the following phases.
The creation of StartLabs spaces responds to the need of the university community to create, validate and commercialize business ideas. Its use is intended for the different careers of the University, allies, and external people to promote collaborative work and innovation. It is a collaborative space that promotes innovation, applied research, and the development of new technologies in favor of different social sectors and initiatives.
- 3D-Drucken
- CNC-Fräsen
- Leiterplattenherstellung
- Laserschneiden/-gravieren
- Präzisionsfräsen
- Schneideplotten